Да пътуваш по света не е никак лесно и евтино хоби. Изискват се много свободно време и още повече пари.
Елена Енгелхарт и Каталин Онк имат едно от тези две неща - свободното време. Те са безработни, но нямат парите. А много им се иска да пътуват.

Can you see it coming? Was a pleasure meeting and shooting with @svlstg in Copenhagen last year

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Затова двамата, които са и женени, са обявили кампания по набиране на средства, с която всеки, който иска да им помогне да пътуват из Африка, може да дари пари.
Парите не са никак малко - 10 000 евро. За какво по-точно им трябват? Много е просто - за храна, нощувки, пътуване и интернет.

This is how I feel when people make money the biggest topic. Having tattoos, a pretty girlfriend and followers on Instagram opens doors for us, it’s true. We could live a lavish lifestyle and only show that, like most people on social media do. We choose not to. We have seen how people are around us when we have money and when we don’t. #grateful that we get to see both sides of the spectrum. I wish you all could experience this. Some people are quick to judge and speak. At this very moment we don’t have much, we are accepting money from my mother and also donations but we don’t hide that. This situation is teaching us a lot. #tryingtodosomethingbigger

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А защо не изкарат парите си сами? Двамата твърдят, че "работата не е опция". Дори майката на момчето работи на две места, за да може да осигури пътуванията на сина си и половинката му.

Wow you guys can't imagine how excited I am for life..and our future. Sometimes it feels like butterflies in my stomach, thinking about what could happen. In the last few years, so many unexpected and amazing things happened which were never planned. Cat and I don't really plan our future, we're talking a lot about what we'd love to do but we kind of take it how it comes, always flexible, free and ready to take the opportunity when the right one appears. Soon I'll be going to Nepal but Cat's visa is expiring not long after so we'll probably be going back to Germany. What's going to happen over there, no idea.. not sure how long we'll stay, what we'll do and where we'll go next. Only thing I know is that we'll do it together. Being apart from each other for most of the time in the past 7 months was good for our relationship and us as individuals but a new chapter is about to start and I can't wait to find our where life will take us Photo // collaboration with beautiful villa @villashaktitawa and @studiosolveig + @sallytm

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Освен това двамата не искат да работят, защото по този начин ще подкрепят консуматорството, против което са.

Haven't heard from Cat in 5 days now. He's currently hiking in the mountains around everest. I'm sure he's well and having the most amazing time. I'm here in Lombok, Bali's neighbour island, which has been my favorite place on this planet for a while. First time I got here was about 5 years ago. Since then I've been coming back once or twice a year. What I love the most about Lombok is it's incredible, abundant nature and it's beautiful people. I can really connect with them and appreciate how open, generous and warm hearted they are. I guess that is also the reason why lombok attracts so many nice people. I meet many likeminded people here and am always sad to leave and extremely happy and excited when I come back. PHOTO 1 by @mehrandjojan PHOTO 2 by @chengloew chilling in the pool with @sabibo at beautiful @soitgoes.id @bamba.id

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Разбира се, след молбата им за набиране на средства, стотици хора изразиха възмущението си към наглостта им да искат пари за такова нещо и да отказват да работят.

И още:

Пет полезни съвета при пътуване със самолет (ВИДЕО)

Пътешествие из едно от най-мистичните места на земята (СНИМКИ)

Пет неща, които не трябва да правите в Instagram (ВИДЕО)

4 мобилни приложения за пътешественици (ВИДЕО)

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