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Херцогинята на Кембридж Кейт Мидълтън разкри още един свой невероятен талант – тя е проектирала „необятна горска градина” за изложението на цветя в Челси. Целта й е да вдъхнови семействата да излязат навън и да разберат ползите от общуването с природата.

Кои са любимите спортове на кралското семейство? (ВИДЕО)

👀 We invite you to take a sneak peek at The Duchess of Cambridge’s #RHSChelsea ‘Back to Nature’ Garden! The woodland wilderness garden aims to get people back to nature, and highlight the benefits of the natural world on our mental and physical wellbeing. Speaking ahead of @The_RHS garden unveiling, The Duchess of Cambridge said: “In recent years I have focussed much of my work on the early years, and how instrumental they are for outcomes later in life. I believe that spending time outdoors when we are young can play a role in laying the foundations for children to become happy, healthy adults.” Some features of the #ChelseaFlowerShow garden include: 1. A swing seat hanging below the garden’s centrepiece, a high platform tree house, encouraging creative play and discovery for all generations. 2. The high platform tree house is inspired by a bird or animal nest and provides a wonderful place to retreat and look out through the trees. The treehouse is made from chestnut, with hazel, stag horn oak and larch nest cladding. 3/4. The garden is aiming to inspire interaction with the natural environment through its multi-sensory, green and blue plant scheme. The garden will be filled with incredible edibles, plants for craft activities, forest scents and a diverse range of plants, shrubs and trees of different heights and textures. The garden forms part of Her Royal Highness’s ongoing work on early childhood development and her mission to support efforts that give every child the best possible start in life. The Duchess has committed to making early childhood development the focus of her work in the years to come, and believes that providing children with the opportunity to spend time outdoors can play an important role.

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В началото на годината херцогинята разкри за намерението си, но сега тя показа и резултата. Херцогинята е работила съвместно с ландшафтните архитекти Андре Дейвис и Адам Уайт и Кралското градинарско дружество.

Девет умения, които задължително трябва да притежават кралските бавачки (ВИДЕО)

90% of our adult brains are developed before the age of 5 and what a child experiences in those really early years directly affects how the brain develops. That’s why I think it’s so important, whether we’re parents or carers or family members, really engage in quality time with children and babies from a really young age. I really feel that nature and being interactive outdoors has huge benefits on our physical and mental wellbeing, particularly for young kiddies. The #RHSChelsea Back to Nature Garden is a natural, creative place for them to play. I really hope that this woodland that we have created, in a huge collaboration here really inspires families, kids and communities to get outside, enjoy nature and the outdoors and spend quality time together. #ChelseaFlowerShow

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Всъщност градината е част от работата на херцогинята по ранно детско развитие. Според нея повече прекарано време на открито помага на децата да растат щастливи и здрави. Стремежът на Кейт е да подчертае ползите за психическото и физическото благосъстояние, които носи природата.

Съвременната Мери Попинз: Коя е дясната ръка на херцогиня Катрин? (СНИМКИ)

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to share some new photographs of their family as they visited the RHS Back to Nature Garden at the #ChelseaFlowerShow on Sunday afternoon. The photographs were taken by @mattporteous. The #RHSChelsea Back to Nature Garden, designed by The Duchess and award-winning landscape architects Andrée Davies and Adam White of Davies White Landscape Architects, is a woodland setting for families and communities to come together and connect with nature. Her Royal Highness is a strong advocate for the proven benefits the outdoors has on physical and mental health, and the positive impact that nature and the environment can have on childhood development in particular. Over the past months, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis have helped The Duchess gather moss, leaves and twigs to help decorate @The_RHS Back to Nature Garden. Hazel sticks collected by the family were also used to make the garden’s den. The Duchess told Monty Don in an interview for the BBC: “I really feel that nature and being interactive outdoors has huge benefits on our physical and mental wellbeing, particularly for young children. I really hope that this woodland that we have created really inspires families, kids and communities to get outside, enjoy nature and the outdoors, and spend quality time together.”

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„Въз основа на горските площи, градината ще се опита да пресъздаде за възрастните усещането за чудо и магия, което са имали като малки деца”, посочват от двореца Кенсингтън.
В писмо до експерти тя пише: „Мога да разбера, че хората са нервни, когато търсят помощ и се страхуват от осъждане. Това чувство на изолация може бързо да стане първостепенно и изтощително за всеки родител”.

Любимите цветя на британското кралско семейство (ВИДЕО)

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to share some new photographs of their family as they visited the RHS Back to Nature Garden at the #ChelseaFlowerShow on Sunday afternoon. The photographs were taken by @mattporteous. The #RHSChelsea Back to Nature Garden, designed by The Duchess and award-winning landscape architects Andrée Davies and Adam White of Davies White Landscape Architects, is a woodland setting for families and communities to come together and connect with nature. Her Royal Highness is a strong advocate for the proven benefits the outdoors has on physical and mental health, and the positive impact that nature and the environment can have on childhood development in particular. Over the past months, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis have helped The Duchess gather moss, leaves and twigs to help decorate @The_RHS Back to Nature Garden. Hazel sticks collected by the family were also used to make the garden’s den. The Duchess told Monty Don in an interview for the BBC: “I really feel that nature and being interactive outdoors has huge benefits on our physical and mental wellbeing, particularly for young children. I really hope that this woodland that we have created really inspires families, kids and communities to get outside, enjoy nature and the outdoors, and spend quality time together.”

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