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This striking swirl of outstretched stars is considered a grand design spiral galaxy — a title earned by only one-tenth of its kind. While all spirals have a similar structure, there is quite a bit of variation among individual galaxies; some have patchy, oddly shaped arms, some have bars of stars cutting through their core, some are colossal and radiant, and others are dim and diminutive. Grand designs like this one are in many ways the archetype of a spiral galaxy. They are characterized by their prominent, well-defined arms, which circle outward from a clear core. Click the link in the bio for more info ⬆️⁣ 📸 Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, L. Ho #NASA #Galaxy #BlackHoles

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Показаха първата снимка на черна дупка (СНИМКА)

Звездите се разпадат или се сливат една с друга. Тяхната маса се кондензира само в една точка с изключително силна гравитация. Крайният резултат е черна дупка.

It's Official: Astronomers discovered a ninja-like black hole gobbling up a giant interstellar cloud 25,000 light-years away! 🕳 💨 • Professional stargazers have detected a stealthy black hole from its effects on an interstellar gas cloud. They looked 25,000 light-years away from Earth at the HCN–0.009–0.044 gas cloud using an instrument called ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) in Chile and saw that it swirled as if it was being pulled around by the gravity of a massive body. • This intermediate mass black hole is one of over 100 million quiet black holes expected to be lurking in our galaxy. These results provide a new method to search for other hidden black holes and help us understand the growth and evolution of black holes. 🕳 Do you love Black Hole ❤ Are you ready to explore Space 🔭 @theourgalaxies Image credit: Astronomer Shunya Takekawa and Team of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan / ESOAstronomy

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В центъра на Млечния път има една свръхмасивна черна дупка. Учените смятат, че такива свръхмасивни черни дупки има във всяка една галактика.

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Когато две галактики се приближат достатъчно една до друга и се слеят с тях се сливат и черните дупки. Един грандиозен сблъсък.
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