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Тя е само на 28 години и вече е успяла да сбъдне детската си мечта. Запознайте се Касандра де Пекол – американката, която обиколи 196 държави за 18 месеца и 26 дни.

Любимите градове на туристите

Околосветското й пътуване започва на 24 юли 2015-а и приключва на 2 февруари 2017-а, с което поставя световен рекорд като човека, обиколил за най-кратко време всички суверенни държави.

These days, I find that more often than not I have a difficult time smiling. Life isn't as comical as it used to be for me (#adulthood). I'm home now, obtaining the last of the visas for the 19 countries left, and for the first time, trying to wrap my head around what I just went through these past 15 months. I'm sure that many of you can relate to the feelings that I have; the nightmares and the sadness when it comes to seeing and experiencing certain things that are very challenging to comprehend. That being war, famine, harassment, unfairness, brutality, etc. To be honest, I'm trying desperately to focus on the good, but sometimes I find that I have to just let the mental challenge of it all run its course. I've written down every moment of every day since day one, and have written many deep articles as well, some which I hope to share with you all once this Expedition is completed. There's always more than meets the eye, and aside from the positive and happy times that I share with you on a daily basis, I look forward to also sharing the more somber of times, hoping that we can cultivate positive change as a result. 🌾#human #expedition196

A post shared by Cassie De Pecol | Official (@cassiedepecol) on

Приключението й бе следено в специално създаден сайт, в който на карта са обозначени всичките държави, през които Каси е минала, включително и България.

Преди и сега: 10 града, променени до неузнаваемост

Ако все още се чудите коя да е следващата дестинация, към която да се отправите, ето списъка на Касандра с 10 държави, които непременно трябва да посетите.

Нова Англия е регион в североизточната част на САЩ, който всеки трябва да посети и да усети атмосферата поне веднъж в живота си.

Lots of questions coming in with the most common being, "How can I do what you do? I want to travel the world but don't know where to start." Thinking back to when the idea came about, I had to face several main fears of mine, the most prominent being death...The thought of maybe dying on this trip (sorry it's depressing, but it's true), since the risks, I was told, of traveling as a female alone would be "very high". Let me share with you what the first thing was that I had to overcome in order to get to where I am today. 🍂 • • • If you choose to accept that the consequences of you pursuing your dream might involve death, if you're willing to not only face your fear, but embrace your fear, learn from your fears and accept the risk of death to pursue a dream, you've just taken the first step towards achieving something you never deemed possible for yourself to achieve. If you choose to face the inevitable consequences of death, your mind has already made room for the freedom and choice to devote every ounce of yourself towards making that dream happen. As soon as you accept the consequences of fear, failure, and death, there will be no other option, no other choice than to motivate yourself, devote yourself, every ounce of yourself, to persevere towards succeeding in your personal life's quest that you set out for yourself. So, throw yourself into the fire of your own fears; always know that death is near and accept that, and devote your life and every ounce of yourself to that specific quest. You can do anything, you can do what I do, if that's what you're into, but most importantly, you have the power to pursue your own goals and succeed in doing so by becoming accepting of death, fear and failure. • • • #expedition196

A post shared by Cassie De Pecol | Official (@cassiedepecol) on

Коста Рика

Маймуни, свежи плодове, прекрасна музика и ... вулкани – мисля, че не трябва да ви убеждаваме още!

Коста Рика
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