В последните дни различни медии разпространиха новината, че севернокорейският лидер Ким Чен-ун е претърпял операция на сърцето по-рано този месец и се възстановява в частната си вила.

Това съобщи южнокорейска медия, която в впоследствие бе цитирана от телевизия и официален служител в САЩ. Те обявиха, че севернокорейският лидер е в "смъртна опасност" след процедурата. 

На този етап няма официално потвърждение на тази новина, а и вероятно няма да разберем със сигурност какво се е случило с Ким Чен-ун. Но една виртуална разходка до комунистическата страна ни дава възможност да надникнем в държавата, до която не всеки има достъп. Вижте в канала "Скандално" във vbox7:

DPR Korea - North Korea Pyongyang A local man stops in Kim Il Sung Square in the evening to take a selfie. 27 May 2017 7:00 PM Exhibition at Museum Helmond / Netherlands from June 19 - Sept 23/2018. Book published by Lannoo / Belgium available for 50 € (D.P.R.KOREA Grand Tour). New edition out now for 39€ (without leporello design). North Korea – officially the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – is one of the hardest places in the world to photograph. Thousands of Westerners visit the DPRK on authorized tours each year but have to follow strict guidelines when taking pictures. Professional photographers are simply not allowed on these trips. Magnum photographer Carl De Keyzer is one of very few to have been given unprecedented access to the DPRK. This opportunity was made possible by the British-run Koryo Group, which has been taking people to the DPRK since 1993 and whose aim is to encourage people-to-people engagement through travel, culture, sport and humanitarian projects. In the course of four journeys totalling sixty days, De Keyzer and his Korean guides travelled the length and breadth of the country, observing the place and its people. De Keyzer visited more than 200 locations, travelling to every single one of the country’s provinces. The result is a unique and often very surprising view of one of the world’s most complex, concealed and confusing countries. (Text and captions by Koryo Tours). #magnumphotos #Magnum Photos #MagnumPhotos #carldekeyzer #DPRK #NorthKorea #northkorea #DPR Korea Grand Tour #Carl De Keyzer #communism #kimjungun #Pyongyang #dprk #pyongyang #60daysDPRK

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Снимките достигат до нас благодарение на фотографа Карл Де Кейзер, който е прекарал там 60 дни с една основна идея – да покаже какъв е животът там.

"Пхенян е като град-образец в Северна Корея. Един вид трябва да бъдеш поканен, за да живееш или работиш там. Само примерни граждани могат да останат там", разказва Карл пред БиБиСи (BBC). 

Кайзер кайзва, че е бил първият, който посетил всички позволени от правителството места за чужденци. 

"Лошата страна на всичко бе, че трябваше да представям всичко на властите в Пхенян, те да одобряват", споделя той.

Pyongyang The Mansudae Grand Monument. 16 September 2015 9:00 AM Please visit my exhibition in Ghent, Belgium if you are around. Floraliën hal, Citadelpark, Ghent (behind SMAK museum of contemporary art). From Dec 9 - April 2d. North Korea – officially the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – is one of the hardest places in the world to photograph. Thousands of Westerners visit the DPRK on authorized tours each year but have to follow strict guidelines when taking pictures. Professional photographers are simply not allowed on these trips. Magnum photographer Carl De Keyzer is one of very few to have been given unprecedented access to the DPRK. This opportunity was made possible by the British-run Koryo Group, which has been taking people to the DPRK since 1993 and whose aim is to encourage people-topeople engagement through travel, culture, sport and humanitarian projects. In the course of four journeys totaling sixty days, De Keyzer and his Korean guides travelled the length and breadth of the country, observing the place and its people. De Keyzer visited more than 200 locations, travelling to every single one of the country’s provinces. The result is a unique and often very surprising view of one of the world’s most complex, concealed and confusing countries. (Text and captions by Koryo Tours). #magnumphotos #Magnum Photos #carldekeyzer #DPRK #North Korea #DPR Korea Grand Tour #Carl De Keyzer #communism #Trump #Kim Jung Un

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Ето какво още разказва Карл:

"Трябва да ходиш само в хотели, които са за чужденци. Разбира се, не можеш да напускаш хотела по всяко време, отвън има войници. Винаги има някой, който те следва".

Карл проверявал всичките хотелски стаи, в които отсядал, дали няма поставени в тях  микрофони, скрити камери. 

"Опитах се да развъртя крушките и да видя какво се случва зад огледалото ми в банята, но никога не открих нищо", спомня си още Карл.

Първото нещо, което туристите винаги посещават в Северна Корея е The Grand Monument - хълм, на който се намират 229 фигури, които служат за възпоменание на корейския народ и неговите лидери.

DPR Korea - North Korea Pyongyang Students pay their respects to a portrait of President Kim Il Sung and General Kim Jong Il; Science and Technology Complex. 2 June 2017 3:00 PM Exhibition at Museum Helmond / Netherlands from June 19 - Sept 23/2018. Book published by Lannoo / Belgium available for 50 € (D.P.R.KOREA Grand Tour). New edition out now for 39€ (without leporello design). North Korea – officially the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – is one of the hardest places in the world to photograph. Thousands of Westerners visit the DPRK on authorized tours each year but have to follow strict guidelines when taking pictures. Professional photographers are simply not allowed on these trips. Magnum photographer Carl De Keyzer is one of very few to have been given unprecedented access to the DPRK. This opportunity was made possible by the British-run Koryo Group, which has been taking people to the DPRK since 1993 and whose aim is to encourage people-to-people engagement through travel, culture, sport and humanitarian projects. In the course of four journeys totalling sixty days, De Keyzer and his Korean guides travelled the length and breadth of the country, observing the place and its people. De Keyzer visited more than 200 locations, travelling to every single one of the country’s provinces. The result is a unique and often very surprising view of one of the world’s most complex, concealed and confusing countries. (Text and captions by Koryo Tours). #magnumphotos #Magnum Photos #MagnumPhotos #carldekeyzer #DPRK #NorthKorea #northkorea #DPR Korea Grand Tour #Carl De Keyzer

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Карл казва, че трябва да купиш цветя. След това трябва да отидеш до статуите на двамата лидери, да се поклониш и да оставиш букета пред тях. В знак на почит и преклонение към тях и делото им за страната. 

Едно от правилата било:

Когато снимаш някоя от статуите на лидерите, дори и портрет или картина, трябва да покажеш всичко - главата, ръцете и краката.

По времето, когато Карл прави снимките, исполинските статуи били скрити леко в мъгла. Водачът на Карл не бил сигурен дали е добре да снима статуите в мъглата, но в крайна сметка той то е направил.

Най-странните забрани в Северна Корея (ВИДЕО)

Карл не крие, че му е харесало да прави снимки, докато са му били налагани тези ограничения.

Той казва, че така един човек трябва да приложи повече креативност, да поработи усърдно, за да се получи нещо уникално.

DPR Korea - North Korea Kangwon Province Farm children transplant rice seedlings into a paddy field in the spring; Chonsam-ri Cooperative Farm. Rice transplanting is a major annual task and city dwellers are called upon to provide supplementary labor during one of the busiest times of the year on the farm. 30 May 2017 3:00 PM Exhibition at Museum Helmond / Netherlands from June 19 - Sept 23/2018. Book published by Lannoo / Belgium available for 50 € (D.P.R.KOREA Grand Tour). New edition out now for 39€ (without leporello design). North Korea – officially the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – is one of the hardest places in the world to photograph. Thousands of Westerners visit the DPRK on authorized tours each year but have to follow strict guidelines when taking pictures. Professional photographers are simply not allowed on these trips. Magnum photographer Carl De Keyzer is one of very few to have been given unprecedented access to the DPRK. This opportunity was made possible by the British-run Koryo Group, which has been taking people to the DPRK since 1993 and whose aim is to encourage people-to-people engagement through travel, culture, sport and humanitarian projects. In the course of four journeys totalling sixty days, De Keyzer and his Korean guides travelled the length and breadth of the country, observing the place and its people. De Keyzer visited more than 200 locations, travelling to every single one of the country’s provinces. The result is a unique and often very surprising view of one of the world’s most complex, concealed and confusing countries. (Text and captions by Koryo Tours). #magnumphotos #Magnum Photos #MagnumPhotos #carldekeyzer #DPRK #NorthKorea #northkorea #DPR Korea Grand Tour #Carl De Keyzer #communism #kimjungun #Pyongyang #dprk #pyongyang #60daysDPRK

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