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Британски фризьор прави безплатни прически на бездомни хора, като по този начин ги преобразява напълно. Джошуа Комбс започнал спонтанно благотворителната си инициатива, с която иска да пречупи стереотипите на обществото.

Вижте най-красивите прически на наградите Оскар 2017 (СНИМКИ)
  По негови наблюдения хората само заобикалят бездомните. „Исках да ги насърча да покажат малко повече ангажираност към техните проблеми и доброта. Дори и само да им казват „здравей“, не да ги игнорират и изолират от обществото, което само изостря страданията им“, обясни доброволецът.

This is Janusz, 65 years old. He migrated to New York City from a small town outside of Kraków, Poland with his mother when we was a teenager. Janusz has been homeless for the last four years. Initially quite shy, he watched on from a bench nearby as I was cutting hair for another person. We tried to bring him into the conversation and he slowly started to open up. Janusz asked if he could be next in line for a haircut. However, as I was finishing up and ready to call him over, I noticed he had walked away to leave the park. I asked @valeriejardin to catch up and see what had happened. A few minutes later, they returned and Janusz told me quietly that he was embarrassed about his hair being dirty... I reassured him that by the time we were finished he'd be feeling fresh and that this was not a problem for me. During the haircut, as conversation progressed, I saw a change in this man. Evidently more confident and relaxed. There are so many ways to provide that feeling. I've seen just how high you can lift somebody when you treat them with dignity. Janusz has worked his whole life, it's only in recent years that things took a turn. He grew up on a family farm in post-war Poland, working longer days than most of us had to as a child. When you next see someone sat on a park bench looking scruffy, remember to hit the rewind button before you judge. #DoSomethingForNothing

A post shared by Joshua Coombes (@joshuacoombes) on

Джошуа не просто подстригва бездомните, но той ги кара да се чувстват истински добре в ръцете му, като след това на техните лица греят усмивки, които коренно ги преобразяват.

It's been great to see Cedric again here in Paris. I've spoken about our last meeting often and really missed him since. I visited the same street where we first met in May on the chance he might still be there. I guess part of me was hoping to hear that he had moved on and now had somewhere to stay, but it's only been a few months and I know things don't happen that quickly out here. When I called his name he turned around and out came that big smile. After a hug we started talking and I noticed Cedric had a black eye. He began telling me of some trouble that he'd gotten into recently - "There are so many kind people here in the daytime but at night it can change. There's a bar across the road that stays open very late at the weekend, some people can get aggressive. There was a fight that involved two men and a woman. It's probably my fault for saying something, but when I did I got punched a few times." Cedric had a meeting recently for some help to get into a room. He attended but didn't hear back - "I'm trying and always listening for places, but it's not easy. Any weeks which have steps forward usually have more steps backwards. I never planned to be here and I hope one day there is another chapter." - Although Cedric is still sleeping outside each night, the warmth of his character somehow remains. As I was cutting his hair, many people that know Cedric stopped to speak and compliment him. A man working in a building nearby, who saw us together back in May, went to print some photos that he'd taken on his phone for us. It had both myself and Cedric smiling from ear to ear. Connecting again like this is so important for me. I always try to keep in contact with those I meet to keep track of their journey. It can be difficult sometimes but I do my best. It's important to mention that time cutting someone's hair actually plays such a small role when you look at the bigger picture. It's about befriending those that might feel a lost right now. Don't underestimate how important your influence can be in making someone smile and feel good again. There might be something you love doing to reach out in your community. #DoSomethingForNothing

A post shared by Joshua Coombes (@joshuacoombes) on

Към идеята му се присъединила ветеринарната лекарка Джаде Стат, която пък безплатно оказва помощ на бездомните кучета – почиства ги, реже им ноктите, дава им лекарства, ако се наложи. Доброволците разказват, че тяхната работа им е помогнала да се срещнат с редица интересни хора, а дните им често са изключително непредсказуеми.
Двамата са категорични, че работата им на улицата ги е накарала да осъзнаят какви щастливци са, че имат безопасни и чисти места за живеене.

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