Ask yourself why you have seen NOTHING on the #GiletsJaunes protests
— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) July 28, 2019
You have seen endless coverage of the protests in Hong Kong
Week 37 of #GiletsJaunes - attempted homicide here ..And NOTHING from MSM. Where is the State broadcaster?pic.twitter.com/BiVHydtzZc
До сблъсъци на протестиращите със силите на реда се стигна в края на следобеда.

"They've been firing tear gas, also rubber bullets we think"
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) July 28, 2019
BBC Asia correspondent Nick Beake says riot police are now making arrests following another pro-democracy protest in Hong Konghttps://t.co/0EAbZnBpj0 pic.twitter.com/JoOy2VApwf
Тогава полицията използва сълзотворен газ и каучукови куршуми, за да разгони протестиращите. Те отвърнаха със залп от камъни и тухли, но полицията щурмува и ги изтласка с палки.
No more oxygen left to breathe in #HongKong - it is a man made smog of tear gas instead of air. #HongKongProtests pic.twitter.com/hKLDAxXHYz
— James Alexander (@JvmesAlexander) July 28, 2019
Репортери на Франс прес казват, че са били извършени много арести, а двама журналисти и най-малко един демонстрант са били ранени.
One of many scenes of police charging tonight, followed by teargas of course. Everyone, protesters, journos, local residents & kids were all recipient of these gifts. Where art thou, HK police, when we needed you on July 21 in Yuen Long? #HongKong #HongKongProtests pic.twitter.com/GTQmbWF1Mi
— Shirley Lau (@lauinhk) July 28, 2019
Паралелно с това много по-голяма група демонстранти отиде в търговския квартал Козуей бей.

As others have noted throughout this weekend, Hong Kong protesters have become very adept very quickly at reacting to tear gas #antiELAB pic.twitter.com/aLCcOXAPGo
— Aaron Mc Nicholas (@aaronMCN) July 28, 2019
Демонстрациите срещу пропекинското правителство на Хонконг навлизат в осма седмица.