В специално писмо до Дарик радио, от британската петролна компания “Експро”, не потвърдиха, че единият от изчезналите двама нейни служители в Нигерия, е българин. „Експро” потвърждава само, че единият от похитените има британско гражданство”, се казва в писмото.

Ето оригиналният текст на писмото:


Exprotech (Nigeria) Ltd can confirm that two foreign workers were abducted during an incident on the Agbani production barge near Calabar, Cross Rivers State in Nigeria.

The incident happened at around 8pm local time on July 8th when the barge, which is owned and operated by an indigenous Nigerian operating company, was boarded by an armed group.

Exprotech (Nigeria) Ltd can confirm that one of those abducted was a UK national. Both men were consultants supplied through Exprotech (Nigeria) Ltd to the Nigerian operating company. 

Exprotech (Nigeria) Ltd is supporting the operator and authorities in Nigeria to bring about the safe recovery of both men.

Issued by:

Kay Drummond, Exprotech (Nigeria) Ltd

Andrew Bradshaw, Public Relations Account Director Fifth Ring